Saturday, January 5, 2013

This serves as a beginning...

I thought since I am new to this whole blogging thing that I would introduce myself.  My name is Clayton Campbell, I am the son of a pastor and a home healthcare nurse.  I am a Christian, a follower of Jesus Christ.  I grew up not wanting to go to hell, and so I "prayed a prayer" asking to go to heaven, but it wasn't until I was ten that God, through a message delivered by a chalk artist named Lucky Shepherd that I saw that I was a sinner, yes I knew that all people sin, but it wasn't until that moment that I saw that it was MY sin that would keep me from God and that the only hope I had was to turn to Jesus and ask for Him to save me, to wash my soul with His blood and to clothe me with His robes.  From that moment on I have served Him with all that I have.  I have since answered His call in my life and am currently training to eventually be a pastor at Northland International University.  I am not entirely sure where I will be at after I graduate, but I know I will be trying to serve my savior.  I love reading, something I inherited from my mom and share with my brother and sister.  I love history, so historical non fiction as well as fiction has always been a must-especially when it comes to the Civil War.  With fiction, I enjoy some fantasy, I love Tolkien and Lewis (his fiction as well as his theological works) as well as Christopher Paolini and the Harry Potter series.  I enjoy very little science fiction works, mainly Star Wars books.  Speaking of Star Wars, I am a HUGE nerd, although I  disguise it in public, and can talk about it for hours.  Musically my tastes are extremely varied, anything from classical to rap and most things in between.  The genres I do not care too much about are: country, polka (lol), screamo (although some songs with screaming in them are quite good), and I abhor pop music.  The artist that has had one of the biggest influences on my life is Dustin Kensrue, the lead singer of the band Thrice as well as the music pastor of Mars Hill Church in Seattle, WA.  More than likely you will see some of his lyrics end up in this blog from time to time.  Anyways... I think that is enough about me for now... In the words of Michael Scott from The Office, one of my favorite comedies, "See ya on the flippity-flop!"

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